Online appointments
We are excited to offer our telemedicine consults with our cat experts on feline health.
Regular wellness exams are crucial for keeping your cat happy and healthy, but many owners are reluctant to bring their cats to a veterinary hospital due to the stress associated with the visit. We can also offer you advice on how to get your cat to our clinic.
While most cats tolerate an annual trip to the vet without a problem, some cats (and owners) may become anxious over the idea of a carrier and a car ride. For these pets, we are happy to now offer virtual veterinary services.
These consults are for nonurgent care and are available to cat owners to discuss medical cases and their concerns regarding their cat’s health. The consults will last 15 minutes.
Telemedicine is only an extension of what veterinary medicine provides. It does not replace what is currently done or what is deemed necessary by a practitioner. In other words, if a physical exam and/or diagnostics are necessary, then this should be requested and conducted by your veterinarian.
What Can I Expect During A Telemedicine Consult?
- Your vet will answer any questions and concerns with your cat while on the phone call.
- Cats requiring additional diagnostic testing or hospitalization will need to be brought to the Downtown Toronto Cat Clinic. Telemedicine consults often make important veterinary care visits a more pleasant experience for both cat and owner.
What Should Be Done Before The Appointment?
We will require you to complete the pre-appointment form and email it to our clinic prior to your appointment.
Call us at (416) 479-0142 for more details or to schedule a Telemedicine appointment today.